Sunday, October 5, 2008

Yeah I have commentors!!!

Hi to all!

To my dearest commentors:


burnervin: hey, thanks for visiting my blog... it has been a while since someone tagged at my blog, so in order not to disappoint you, I've decided to download it and I'll upload it myself despite the fact that my internet capacity is running out soon and there's still like nearly half a month more to go till it will be refreshed... But because my internet system is such that once I exceed the limit, the speed will be slowed down and afterwhich I wouldn't be able to upload. So if I stop uploading... I am really sorry.


Sally: You can also try, sometimes they have megaupload links as well.


Sally: Here is the link for megaupload of Ep 7 -
There isn't any for Ep 8 at the moment, but if there is, I'll let you know. =D

Simyy: You're lucky... LOL... I was just searching through something and I found this website with you can download MP4 files... Can't guarantee u'll find all the shows you want, but hope it helps. =P

pearly: Thanks for leaving comments, uhm... but Sorry I can't find it anywhere... if you want I can upload it for you, however that would take time... I'm so sorry. Oh by the way, would you be able to leave your comments at the tagboard instead? Thanks.


Simyy: Sorry I don't... I think it would be faster for u to convert them urself because rmvb files are like the smallest version any format can get and other formats would be pretty big... Try this: Get Real Alternative ; Get an encoder and Convert away...

Sally: They are "Legend of the Demigods" and "Your Class or Mine" respectively. If you need help in finding the DDL, let me know.


Simyy: Ep 1 - 4 of Hot Shot from Megaupload has been updated on the blog. =D


Janice: You're welcome! and Yup I am watching Moonlight Resonance... Why?


dramaonmu: I've got the movie L for Love & L for Lies from Youtube, check it out!~

xiaomao a.k.a phyllis: Hey! Thanks for answering my commentors questions for me!
Continue to enjoy drama!!! Yeah ^_^ (And yup the legend thingie is a NEW show...)

Queens- : There would be 24 Eps altogether as the last ep is kindaff transition between FTLY and the upcoming series Invincible Shan Bao Mei ...

Hi : I've tried my best to find FTLY Eps 1 - 10, but I've yet to find the full version for Ep 1 -2, if I do I'll post it up.

Janice: I've uploaded Ep 4-11 from Megaupload [Credit to AsianEU] but sorry I haven't found Ep 1-3 from Megaupload, when I do find it however, I'll post it up.


Popeye: Hey! I love the drama too... I can't wait for Ep 17, but I am in the midst of moving and internet maybe an issue, but trust me, I'll upload Ep 17 the minute I get access to internet... =P Hope u enjoy the drama and that I wouldn't keep u waiting for too long.


Popeye: Sorry for the wait... I tried uploading episode 15 for a couple of times and it failed me over and over again... I'm just trying it again and if it works I'll upload the link by tonight... I'm just downloading ep 16 now... so it should come as soon as it is being uploaded onto megaupload...

N/A: Thanks for ur comment and suggestion... really appreciate it... I've tried changing the page layout according to ur suggestion... Is it better now?


Popeye: Thanks for commenting at my page again! I was elated at ur comment because comments meant that people are visiting my page and that there are people out there who loves drama (not necessary acting themselves) but more of watching others act. The blog is kindaff new, and there's not much in it just yet, but wait till I get time (because I have three projects due coming week) I'll maybe beautify it... Hope to see ya again!~ ~_~


melzangelz: I think Ep 14 is subbed like the two others in chinese...
Popeye: I will upload ep15 asap... hope u'll cont'd to support ^_^
Waiteng: Thanks for being the first to post! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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