Sunday, October 19, 2008

黑糖群俠傳 The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries [Ep 13/13]

故事发生在「西城武艺学院」中,当时江湖之中依然是正邪对立,为了传说中分别藏在四所学校的「功夫宝典-七星绝杀阵-四部经书」正邪两方分别使出全力抢夺,因为谁得到它们,谁就拥有控制武林的力量! 西城学院学生群中首席高手令狐聪(王子 饰),从不把名利放在心上,成天只想跟他青梅竹马的小师妹陆见宁(丫头 饰)看场电影,但只是生为英雄难免遭受磨难,后来他不但被郭敬(阿纬 饰)的武艺所赶上,甚至爱情生变! 与任莹莹(小薰 饰)产生情愫、且因救人而丧失内力,所幸最后因生性的豁达让他因祸得福,习得武林至尊武功独孤剑法与易筋经…,於是故事就从令狐聪及郭敬的身上展开了…

The story is set mainly at Xi Cheng Martial Art School, during a time when the good and the evil both stand a place in the underworld. For the sake of the whole series of legendary martial art books which is hidden in 4 different schools respectively, both the evil and the good resorts to all means in attempt to get hold of the books. For it is the one who gets it that will have the power to rule over the underworld. People from all over the place whether it's male or female gathered together to search for it. Amongst the students in Xi Cheng School the most powerful is Ling Hu Cong(played by Wang Zi). A person who doesn't care about fame and wealth, who just wants to be with his feminine junior since childhood Lu Jian Ning (played by Ya Tou). But as a hero he has to go through sufferings and hardships. Things started changing for Hu Cong when Guo Jing (played by A-Wei)'s martial arts skills improved and he also started developing feelings for Ren Ying Ying (played by Xiao Xun). Because of saving someone, he lost all his internal power but fortunately for him, he mastered "Gudu Swordfight" and "Yijingjing". Therefore, the story continues with Hu Cong and Guo Jing.

演员 Casts:

Wang Zi as Linghu Cong 令狐聰
Ah Wei as Guo Jing 郭敬
Xiao Yu as Chu Liu Xiang 楚琉湘
Xiao Xun as Ren Ying Ying 任瑩瑩
Ya Tou as Lu Jian Ling 陸見寧
Xiao Man as Xiao Long Nu 小聾女
Ah Ben as Wei Xiao Bao 偉曉寶
Xiao Ma as Yi He Cang Tai 伊賀蒼太
Mei Mei as Sheng Nu Hu Fa 聖女護法
Carmen Tang as Lan Feng Huang 藍鳳凰

First screened on 26 July

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
(Credit to bohkid)
(Credit to auroragb)
Episode 9
(Credit to auroragb)
Episode 10
Episode 11
(Credit to auroragb)
Episode 12
(Credit to auroragb)
Episode 13

10月18日 精彩大结局,千万不能错过哦!

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