Tuesday, December 2, 2008

不良笑花 Miss No Good [Ep 14/14] Eng Subbed [Ep 02/13]

Broadcast Network: Chinese Television System

Country: Taiwan

Release Date: 2008-08-31

Language: Mandarin

Genre: Romance / Comedy

Airing time: Every Sunday 22:00 - 23:30

Opening theme song: Summer Wind 夏日风 by Will Pan

Ending theme song: Take Me Away 带我走 by Rainie Yang

Main Casts

Rainie Yang杨丞琳

Will Pan潘玮柏

Dean Fujioka藤冈靛

Chen Yan Xi陈妍希

Synopsis (Credits: GTV)

Jiang Xiao Hua is a jewelry store owner with no sense of style. When prince charming Jia Si Le came back from Japan wishing to marry her, she blackmailed poison-tongue style guru Tang Meng into helping her becoming a lady.
凡事要求完美的唐门,却遇上五颜六色的蒋小花,更夸张的是:这颗圣诞树还敢对他做的造型品头论足?!“没有品味的人比感冒病毒还可怕,你,最好离我远一点”!唐门对小花,避之唯恐不及,怎料到他的好朋友贾思乐却爱她爱到盲目,连美丽、大方的未婚妻江蜜都愿意拱手让给他? 要怪就要怪那卷珍贵的剪刀组,让他受她要胁,答应改造她,好让她嫁入豪门?!要不就怪她嫁入豪门的对象竟是他的好朋友贾思乐,他才会答应江蜜,二次改造她?!再不然就怪他自己无力回天,反而受到她的改造…使他无可救药地,爱上她?!



Episode 01:

Episode 02:

Episode 03:

Episode 04:

Episode 05:

Credit to Chloe.C for the above links

Episode 06

Episode 07

Episode 08

Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14 ~ END ~
Credit to auroragb for the above links
English Subbed [HJsplit required] by iMsOcOnfuSe

1 comment:

beneath the superficial said...

thank you <3 i watched the whole series XD i am so glad i found your post it's very very very very (lolz) good <333

thank you once again and hope you can upload even more other series>=] (yeah~)